When I first moved to LA in 2007, I trained Ellen (not her real name), whose only goal was to be waif thin. Health, strength, energy level were unimportant compared with the number on the scale. In fact, she was willing to sacrifice those things to be unhealthily thin. I counseled her through crying spells and bouts of anger when she couldn’t lose those last three pounds. Of course, this is an issue for women (and men, but mostly women) everywhere, but there is something about the Los Angeles air that makes it an acute issue here.
Over the years, I’ve trained many Ellens. In many ways I felt like I was part of the problem; work out with Marissa and lose all this weight! Nothing else mattered. Just the number on the scale. As I’ve matured as a coach and trainer, I’ve learned to focus on improving energy level, and overall strength and power. I don’t take measurements anymore or even body fat percentage. I want you to feel amazing and have optimal health. Some of that comes with losing weight, but most of it comes from just pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and being a badass.
I intentionally take clients of all sizes, shapes, and most significantly, ages. I especially love clients who completely hate to work out. I’ve figured out ways to break down their barriers, and show them that movement can be therapy. I have a 70+ year old male client who just discovered that he loves sprinting, not running, sprinting! Is he losing weight? Maybe. Maybe not. For some, losing weight is a valid and necessary goal. But does it help to just look at the scale and kvetch when it doesn’t budge? Focus on your others goals- increased energy, running your first 5K, whatever- and the weight loss will come. Or maybe it won’t. Does it really matter if you feel vibrant and alive anyway?